Picture a young school-age Aaron, eager to follow in his family’s footsteps and work in the catering industry. Fast forward a few years, and he finds himself working in the cafe at the local leisure centre while pursuing an enjoyment of product design and construction at A-Level, planning which university to attend.ย
Well, it didn’t quite work out like that, I stayed at the leisure centre, and when the cafe closed, I moved downstairs to work in sales and customer service; at this point, I had no desire to work in fitness, in fact, I barely did anything physical.ย
Then came the year of massive change for me, 2016. I was already struggling with alcoholism since turning 18 in late 2015 and coupled now with one of the most horrendous bouts of depression that nearly led to me losing my job. As a result, I lost weight and desire to do anything and care for life. I didn’t like myself and didn’t care who did or their feelings. Truth be told, the only things that kept me stable were my duties to the cadet squadron I was part of and its commanding officer, my family, my two closest friends and my work colleague Helen, to which I owe a debt of gratitude.
So I decided to go to a fitness class at the centre with Helen. In this seemingly ordinary class, I realised I wanted to give people the same sense of fun and satisfaction I gained from attending it and to “want to do this as a career”. Finally, I experienced what so many talk about regarding exercise and training helping to ease mental pain.
I embarked on training to be an ETM Instructor and Gym Instructor through schemes offered by the leisure centre, giving me a chance.
AG-RO fitness was created the following year and has grown into something I am proud to call my own. It continues to be a landmark part of my journey to being the better person I am today.
I now unwaveringly dedicate my life to helping others as they have helped me. Personal Training, Remote/Online Coaching, Soft Tissue Therapy and Fitness Classes run from @witneyweightsandfitness. Get in contact today if you would like more information.