Aaron Gibson

Aaron Gibson

What makes a good coach?

A good Coach is someone positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, analytic, observant, inspiring, respectful, patient, and the embodiment of integrity. They must have an in-depth understanding of the fundamental skills, foundations and practices of their chosen subject. Be…

Community Spirit

By Definition – Community spirit finds expression in individual or group activities in which members of a community choose to engage for the benefit of that community. It’s super important, and we should foster it at every opportunity. I believe…

Bounce Back.

As I’ve said previously, one of the main things I have control over is my training after being briefly hospitalised on Wednesday for various things, most noticeably stress and exhaustion. I am glad to be back to my training as…


I have to be honest; the old brain hasn’t been functioning on all cylinders for a while, I lead an extremely stress-filled life, a lot is through no fault of my own, nor anything I have control over. But, what…

Mindset – Motivation

Motivation is a word I often hear from people, accompanied by such phrases as “I don’t feel like it” and “I just don’t have the motivation.” to which I say “it’s a matter of mindset”. As I have said in…

Flexibility vs. Mobility

What’s the difference? Many of us either hear this or mistakenly use the terms interchangeably. And although flexibility is a component of mobility; they are fundamentally different. So, let’s define them. Flexibility: The ability of muscles to lengthen. Mobility: The…